Afternic Enhances User Experience with New Lander Selection and Ownership Verification Features

How Afternic’s Latest Additions to their Product Offering, Lander Selection and Ownership Verification, Aim to Improve the User Experience and Offer More Flexibility to Domain Owners, Allowing for Customizable Landing Pages and Simplified Process of Adding Domain Names to a User’s Portfolio, Enhancing the Platform’s Functionality and Making it an Even More Attractive Option for Buying and Selling Domain Names.

How Afternic's Latest Additions to their Product Offering, Lander Selection and Ownership Verification, Aim to Improve the User Experience

Afternic, one of the leading domain marketplaces, has announced two new additions to their product offerings that aim to improve the user experience. These new features include Lander Selection and Ownership Verification. These additions are likely to enhance the platform’s functionality and offer more flexibility to its users.

Lander Selection is a feature that allows domain owners to select the type of landing page they want for their domain names. Previously, selecting a landing page required changing to specific nameservers, which limited the platform’s ability to add new lander types. With the new Lander Selection feature, users can choose between Buy It Now, Request Price, or Cashparking options from their Afternic 2.0 portfolio page.

To facilitate the transition, Afternic has backfilled all lander preferences based on previous Nameserver usage. Going forward, if a user wants to change between lander types, they will need to do so by updating the Sales Landers within their Afternic portfolio page. Any new domains pointed to Afternic nameservers will default to the Request Price lander and can be updated to any other lander type within the Afternic portfolio page.

This new feature is an excellent addition to Afternic’s product offering, as it offers users more control over their domain names. It allows users to customize their landing pages, which can help increase conversions and maximize sales.

Ownership Verification is another new feature added to Afternic’s platform, which aims to simplify the process of adding domain names to a user’s portfolio. With this feature, users can use TXT or nameserver records to move a domain name into their portfolio within minutes.

In cases where a user wants to add a domain name to their portfolio that already has a listing on Afternic, they can use TXT or nameserver records to verify ownership and move the domain name to their portfolio. This new automation ownership verification feature is a significant improvement over the previous manual process of adding domain names to a portfolio.

The Afternic team has made it easier for users to access their unique TXT and nameserver codes by creating a brand-new Owner Settings page in their Afternic account. This page provides users with easy access to their verification codes, making the process of adding domain names to a portfolio more efficient.

The new Lander Selection and Ownership Verification features added to Afternic’s product offering are a significant improvement for the platform’s users. The Lander Selection feature allows users to select the type of landing page they want for their domain names, which can help increase conversions and maximize sales. The Ownership Verification feature simplifies the process of adding domain names to a user’s portfolio, making it more efficient and less time-consuming. These new features are likely to enhance the user experience on Afternic, making it an even more attractive platform for buying and selling domain names.

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